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SS9000 Perennial Ryegrass Blend

SS9000 is our Certified three-way blend of improved perennial ryegrass varieties.

Grand Slam GLD perennial ryegrass is #1 in the Northeast region.

Stellar 3GL rates "4 Stars" for Stem Rust disease, which is a common in perennial ryegrass.

Slugger 3GL is a newly introduced variety first tested in the 2017 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) Perennial Ryegrass trial. It earns our top "4 Star" rating for Turfgrass Quality in all three regions (Northeast, Transition, and North Central) when compared with the latest and best new perennial ryegrass varieties.


Seed Analysis Label 

Seeding rate 8 lbs./1,000 sq. ft.

Overseeding Rate 4-8 lbs per 1000 sq. feet depending on the condition of the turf

Seed Estimator 

SS9000 Perennial Rye
3 oz. sample
$ 14.99
Quantity :
SS9000 Perennial Rye-02
2 lbs.
$ 54.99
Quantity :
SS9000 Perennial Rye-05
5 lbs.
$ 68.99
Quantity :
SS9000 Perennial Rye-10
10 lbs.
$ 77.99
Quantity :
SS9000 Perennial Rye-25
25 lbs.
$ 143.99
Quantity :