Radar Chewings Fescue
Radar Chewings Fescue earned near perfect "Four Star" ratings in the 2008 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP), Final Report 2009-13. (See Stat Sheet below.) Radar has improved shade tolerance, drought tolerance, disease resistance, and is darker green compared to Zodiac Chewings Fescue. Radar finished #1 for overall turfgrass quality among all Chewings Fescue varieties tested in the LPI-1 trial (PA, NJ, VA, IL, NE, RI), 2013 results. Radar is a component of our SS6000 Shady Mix and SS5000 Sunny Mix. Radar is on the Recommended List in: North Carolina, Virginia, Delaware and Maryland
Radar is an A-List variety Fine Fescue Variety Comparisons Seeding Rate: 4 lbs/ 1,000 sq ft Overseeding Rate: 2-4 lbs/ 1,000 sq ft depending on the turf condition Limited Stock Available |