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 Turf Trials

Information such as turfgrass quality, color, density, resistance to diseases and insects, tolerance to heat, cold, drought and traffic is collected and summarized by NTEP annually. Plant breeders, turfgrass researchers and extension personnel use NTEP data to identify improved environmentally-sound turfgrasses. Local and state government entities, such as parks and highway departments, use NTEP for locating resource-efficient varieties. Most important, growers and consumers use NTEP extensively to purchase drought tolerant, pest resistant, attractive and durable seed or sod. It is the accpetance by the end-user that has made NTEP the standard for turfgrass evaluation in the U.S.A. and many other countries worldwide.
The National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) is one of the most widely-known turfgrass research programs in the world. NTEP has expanded to the evaluation of seventeen turfgrass species in as many as forty U.S. states and six provinces in Canada.
For more detailed product performance visit the NTEP website.